Switching to NeoVim (Part 2)

2016-11-03 Update: Now using the XDG-compliant configuration location.

Now that my initial NeoVim configuration is in place, I'm ready to get to work, right? Well, almost. In my excitement to make the leap from one editor to another, I neglected a portion of my attempt to keep Vim and NeoVim isolated - the local runtimepath (usually ~/.vim).

"But Aru, if NeoVim is basically Vim, shouldn't they be able to share the directory?" Usually, yes. But I anticipate, as I start to experiment with some of the new features and functionality of NeoVim, I might add plugins that I want to keep isolated from my Vim instance.

I'd like Vim to use ~/.vim and NeoVim to use ~/.config/nvim. Accomplishing this is simple - I must first detect whether or not I'm running NeoVim and base the root path on the outcome of that test:

if has('nvim')
    let s:editor_root=expand("~/.config/nvim")
    let s:editor_root=expand("~/.vim")

With the root directory in a variable named editor_root, all that's left is a straightforward find and replace to convert all rtp references to the new syntax.

e.g. let &rtp = &rtp . ',.vim/bundle/vundle/'let &rtp = &rtp . ',' . s:editor_root . '/bundle/vundle/'

With those replacements out of the way, things almost worked. Almost.

I use Vundle. I think it's pretty rad. My vimrc file is configured to automatically install it and download all of the defined plugins in the event of a fresh installation. The first time I launched NeoVim with the above changes didn't result in a fresh install - it was still reading the ~/.vim directory's plugins.

Perplexed, I dove into the Vundle code. Sure enough, it appears to default to installing plugins to $HOME/.vim if a directory isn't passed in to the script initialization function. It appears that I was reliant on this default behavior. Thankfully, this was easily solved by passing in my own bundle path:

call vundle#rc(s:editor_root . '/bundle')

And with that, my Vim and NeoVim instances were fully isolated.